Sip n Share

Held the third Saturday of every second month, Sip n Share is an evening of spoken word, storytelling, poetry and wine. Immerse yourself in the power of words as you sip on your favourite wine and share the experience with fellow storytellers and poetry enthusiasts. Our Sip n Sahre session inlcude open mic perroamnce, alongside a Feature Poet (the roster of feature poets includes some of Melbourne’s best poets). If you have never been to a spoken word or poetry event, come along and experience a night or heartfelt performances with ‘all the feels’, you will not be disappointed. 

Our next Sip n Share – 15th February

Our next Sip & Share event will be held on 14th February – 6.30pm for 7pm start. 

Our Feature Poet is Amanda Anastasi. Amanda Anastasi is a poet from Melbourne’s west and the author of Taking Apart the Bird Trap (Recent Work Press, 2024) and The Inheritors (Black Pepper, 2021). Amanda was Poet in Residence for three years at the Monash Climate Change Communication Research Hub, where she wrote poetry to communicate the climate crisis. She is the recipient of a Wheeler Centre Hot Desk Fellowship and the Ada Cambridge Poetry Prize. She has been published in journals locally and internationally, including Australian Poetry Journal, Best Australian Science Writing, Griffith Review, Right Now and The Massachusetts Review. She is the convener of the longest running poetry reading in Melbourne, La Mama Poetica.

Book your ticket now ($15 pre-booked, $20 at the door on the night):

Our Sip n Share Event – November

Relive some of the special moments on the Sip n Share YouTube channel.

Our November evening featured renowned poet poet Alicia Sometimes an Australian poet and broadcaster passionate about art and science.

Our Sip n Share Event – September

Sip n Share never fails to fill my heart with joy.  Every event is a beautiful reminder of the power of community, creativity, and connection. It’s always such a pleasure to see familiar faces and welcome new ones, each person sharing their emotions, creativity, and stories in a safe, supportive space.

Don’t miss the chance to relive the special moments! Catch a glimpse of the magic from our September evening on the Sip n Share YouTube channel, featuring renowned poet Nathan Curnow and over a dozen incredible open mic performances (apologies if we didn’t capture your performance – sometimes the camera has a mind of its own!) 

Our Latest Sip n Share Event – July

Wow what a fantastic entertaining event we enjoyed in July with Es Foong (aka Waffleirongirl) as our feature poet along with open mic performances from over 10 new and repeat Sip n Share enthusiasts. It was an evening packed full of emotion, creativity and inspiration. Thanks again to Amy Campion and Jules for organising these events and everyone who performed.  Without your support we could not put on this event. You can enjoy some snippets of the performances on our Youtube channel below.

Make sure you subscribe to our  Sip n Share sign up to our newsletter to stay informed of future events.